Friday, 4 July 2014

Crucial council vote on July 10 - will you be there?

Bath & North East Somerset Council will hold a meeting on July 10 in which councillors will vote on the latest version of the Core Strategy. 

If passed, at least 300 homes will be built on Bath's valuable Green Belt at South Stoke plateau - land which is supposed to enjoy the highest level of protection as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). 

Threatened: South Stoke plateau
The plateau is also the location of Bath's little known Scheduled Ancient Monument, The Wansdyke, and a part of our unique setting - a factor in our UNESCO World Heritage City status.

How will your local councillor vote?

We are campaigning for a 'No' vote and we've been encouraging our supporters to put their local councillors on the spot, asking them how they are going to vote.

We believe there is no need to build on Green Belt. It should only ever be the final option when exceptional circumstances have been proven.

In other words, when all brownfield land has been fully exploited and every empty home and disused building filled.

The Council argues that if the Core Strategy is not agreed, it will leave Bath's Green Belt exposed to speculative planning proposals. This is scare-mongering of the highest order.

Any planning proposal on Green Belt land must still go through the normal planning process, which ultimately ends with Secretary of State.

Will you be there?

If you want to witness our councillors make a momentous decision for Bath on July 10, the Full Council meetings begins at 6.30pm and you can sit in the public gallery. If you want to gather as a group and protest before the vote, meet outside from 6pm.