Monday, 28 October 2013

Council to reveal revised housing plans for South Stoke Plateau

Bath and North East Somerset Council will announce its plans for the South Stoke Plateau (or land adjoining Odd Down) on November 11.

This will then be followed by six weeks of public consultation where you will be given the chance to object to the building of hundreds of houses on the plateau.

The council will also stage two presentations on November 13th so that you can see the plans for yourself:

  • South Stoke Village Hall, 3-5pm
  • St Gregory's Catholic College, 6-8pm
Flashback to our SOBA summer protest walk
We will keep you up to date with the latest news over the coming crucial weeks. It's essential that we all make our voices heard when the consultation period opens because the Planning Inspector will see all the comments when his Examination in Public begins again, probably in the New Year.

In the meantime, if you live in one of the communities surrounding the plateau, we urge you to put up a "Save Bath's Green Belt" protest board in your garden, write to/email your local councillor/MP and encourage your friends and neighbours to join the campaign. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

SAY NO to council's crafty plan to build on the plateau

The Planning Inspector has accepted Bath and North East Somerset Council's Core Strategy proposal – despite developers asking for it to be rewritten to include Bristol’s housing needs.

Threatened South Stoke plateau
He will now hold a public meeting in Bath (date tbc) to hear objections from people who responded to the May 2013 consultation.

In the meantime, the council has decided to select a specific location on South Stoke Plateau for housing. In so doing they have circumvented the Core Strategy consultation process.

The next stage of the council's plan is to launch another consultation with communities around the plateau (in November), asking whether we agree with their choice of location for house-building on the Plateau.

Please look out for any consultation letters/emails in November and reply ‘NO’ to any South Stoke Plateau house-building location.

plateauAny building on the plateau will represent the thin end of the wedge. Tomorrow, the rest of the plateau, then more green belt around Bath.